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Wanted: My work BFF

We all have one!

That one person that makes work exciting!

The person who can tell you you look fat in an outfit and you know they tell you because they care. The one, when you have 3 minutes to use the bathroom and you run to her side of the hallway so you can just pop in her class and say hi! The one who sends you a coca cola when you need it, the one who knows what your day really is like. The one who leaves her favorite concert, Beyonce, because you don't feel good and she doesn't want you to walk to your car alone.

Its been 8 months since I saw her. I remember it well. We were all racing out of school to go get toilet paper because all day we heard people talk about how they were running low. She passed me as I ran to my car and we laughed and waved thinking for sure we would see each other after spring break.

She is the one when you have a rough day at work, she makes it all seem right. She has the most amazing classroom so cutely decorated with sunflowers every where, the cute frames and adorable wooden flower looking crates that makes her classroom like a home....... a home we all left 8 months ago.

We talk often, dreaming of trips we can't take. We both have a love of photography and always try to "focus" on the positive. I can't wait till we can pose again for a picture together and capture all the positives that have developed from the past 8 months!

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