f you are thinking of getting your child a smart cellular watch, I highly recommend the Gizmo Gadet watch. We have Verizon and its $5 (+ taxes) a month.
Here is a link to it https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MZ6WBSU/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B01MZ6WBSU&linkCode=as2&tag=miltonmoms040-20&linkId=5b6155fb3aabaeb0469622619a1cc040
We got this for my son 3 years ago. Actually it was on older version then. This is the newer version. We bought it as we were taking a trip to New York and wanted him to have something if he ever got lost. We taught him to look around and be able to tell us what he sees so if we did get separated. we could find him.
You can load up to 10 contacts in the watch that can call them or they can call. No one else can call this number and the child can not change the numbers, it has to be done in the app. We put in family, and other moms if he ever needed help and didn't get a hold of us.
When you first get the watch you need to set up the app Gizmo Hub on your phone and then you can send a link to anyone else who might want to track him or let him text.
He can also send preset "text" messages to the app to those people. We have ones like I don't feel good. You can customize the texts. Example, my friends don't use the app for him, he really just texts me and my mom, but he can call any of them at anytime.
If he needs to tell me something he will make a voice record and message it me this way. "Like mom I forgot my laptop can you bring it to me."
In my app, I can see who he called, when and for how long.

It sends me an alert if it is turned on or off too. Example, he wore it to school for a play date he was having after school. I told him to keep it off all day and turn it on only at dismissal so I knew he got picked up. The old version he would sometimes bump it and it would turn on. I could see he turned it right off. He knew if he got caught playing or using it, it would get taken away. We set up this rule when he got it.
It has a gps locator that anyone you link to his phone and has the app can see where he is. I will say it can even tell me if he is in our next door neighbors yard or ours. The down side it sometimes it takes 1 -2 mins to update his location and well I am sure if you are missing your child, those 120 seconds could feel like an hour.
You can set up location alerts too.
It does have a timer which was great for virtual learning, we just set a time for each class time so he knew when to get back on the computer.
It does have some little "games" on it but they are kinda childish for my 7-10 yr old so we never had an issue of him playing on it when told not to. He might use it while waiting at say a doctors office.
You can set the screen to a boy screen or girl or leave normal.

It will count his steps like a fit bit
The only one thing I really disliked was the band. At one point I had to zip-tie it on him each day because the band broke and at the time bands were pricey. We later found these on amazon and no more issues. I mean they are so bad just go ahead now and get this one and put it on before you give it to your child. It comes in different colors. https://amzn.to/2IRFFNK or this one https://amzn.to/3meFFWN You want the 20mm.
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