My family is so excited to see this creative covid friendly Christmas Carol. The play is put on by the fabulous Alliance Theater. It will be held in Summerhill near the old Braves Stadium. You sit in your car and watch (From the director) a "Live and onsite, a small cast will voice the dozens of characters in the story, while a live sound effect artist will bring the world of the story to life sonically. Plus, live feed cameras will give audiences a chance to watch the cast at work while they create all those sounds. It’s like a reverse drive-in - instead of the radio supporting audiences while they watch a movie, in our show, the videos will give audiences a sneak peak behind the radio play! While listening to the story, we’ll be inviting the audience to participate and play along right inside their cars – with things like crafts, games, and sound-making."
Purchase tickets here: https://alliancetheatre.org/production/2020-21/a-christmas-carol?fbclid=IwAR1xx2Dw23kN5uyrHfghlMW0KreMhj4TW6aTvhjJpUleOXZcUT_LHNwPaaY
So grab the hot chocolate and load up the car with your family and head on down!
We have one hot drink crafts and will fill it with hot coco for during the show. (Always use caution with hot drinks) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07W43JY3Y/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B07W43JY3Y&linkCode=as2&tag=miltonmoms040-20&linkId=848ddc5519348a2dd28f5c5926a44c72
Want a cute holiday disposable mask or cute necklaces to add to the experience?
3 pack holiday lights neckalces https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JCZJKTL/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B07JCZJKTL&linkCode=as2&tag=miltonmoms040-20&linkId=65b0aa805136404516fae86f3418bb0b
More about the show: https://alliancetheatre.org/.../an-interview-with-a...
** As an Amazon associate I may earn credit for your purchases, but it does not cost you any more.
Be sure to check out other holiday family fun events around the ATL. I will spotlight a new one each day on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Miltonmomsfamilyfunaroundatl and Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/miltonmomsfamilyfunaroundatl/
